Safe: The Strange Affliction of Cindy Duehring

Note that this text is adapted from an earlier writing of mine, published recently elsewhere on the internet. In 1984, Cindy Duehring was a medical student in Washington State, working at a bank. An infestation of fleas affected her workplace and soon spread to her Seattle apartment. When it was fumigated, the exterminator illegally combined two insecticides together one of which was unsafe for indoor use. The result was her developing an extreme reaction as the toxic chemicals built up inside of her body. Her doctors said it was extraordinary that she wasn’t killed. The high number of industrial solvents and propellants that her body retained had done permanent damage. Even being exposed to common household detergents and cleaners would cause vomiting and respiratory failure. Sounds triggered grand mal seizures, and soaps and shampoos gave her temporary kidney failure. She had to frequently wrap her body in aluminum foil. Eventually, a specialized house had to be constructed for her i...